Finding Life Purpose
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Why Finding Your Purpose Is So Important and How to Find It When Your Not Sure

Finding Your Purpose Everyone has a purpose in life. However, most people assume they do not have a specific purpose because they have not taken the time to sit down and think deeply about their lives. Some people are born with their purpose, such as certain writers. Those writers begin to compose works, even simple…

Creating a Daily Spirituality Routine to add ease to your day
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Creating a Spiritual Morning Routine that You Can Do Every Day to Create Ease in Your Day

Creating a Spiritual Morning Routine There are many different types of morning routines, from those that help you to be more productive, to ones that focus more on your physical health and wellbeing. A spiritual morning routine is simply one that helps you feel more connected to your soul and spirit. Many of the activities…

4 Ways to Self Actualization - Manifesting Your Dreams
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Self Actualization is What Your Aiming For Here

Four Ways to Achieve Self Actualization If you’re not familiar with self-actualization, the idea comes from Maslow’s theory of human motivation. Maslow hypothesized that unsatisfied needs drive our behavior. Needs like food, water, and safety need to be met first, then we strive to achieve social connection and self-esteem. Once all these needs are met,…