The First Crystals Beginners Should Get
When weíre talking about the best crystals for beginners to get, it is not so much about
some crystals being easier to use than others, but more about the ones that have uses
beginners are often interested in. The cost of crystals, ones that are popular and easy to
find, and crystals that come with a wide range of healing properties are going to be best
for beginners.
Often known for its healing and calming energy, amethyst is an ideal crystal to start
with. This crystal is easy to find and often affordable, so it is great for beginners who
might be on a budget. Amethyst provides a long list of healing abilities for your mind,
body, and spirit. It can help with sleep, improving your memory, and reducing
headaches. Amethyst is also used in spiritual practices for calming and more
awareness, particularly during meditation.
Clear Quartz
Another excellent crystal for beginners who are just starting their spiritual practice is
clear quartz. This is also known as a healing crystal in addition to amethyst. People who
are just starting to look at crystals and have no idea what they are looking at are
frequently drawn to clear quartz simply with their own intuition. Clear quarts is known as
a master healer crystal, so you are often drawn to it. It is extremely powerful and a
wonderful crystal to use when you are working on spiritual growth and getting rid of
negative energy from your life.
Rose Quartz
If you are starting your spiritual practice and want to increase harmony in your life, find
love, or seek out friendship, rose quartz is the crystal for you. This crystal is known as
the love stone, which is why it is used so often for manifesting and focusing on love and
relationships. But it doesnít have to be just romantic love. You can also improve
friendships and other familial relationships in your life, feel a stronger bond with people,
and have a comforting energy.
Selenite is another excellent crystal for people who are starting their path to spiritual
growth. This crystal is often used for increasing awareness and gaining clarity. It is
frequently used when doing tarot spreads, meditating, or charging with the full moon to
be used for manifestations. It is also a cleansing crystal, so you can rid yourself of
negative energy by using selenite.
Light, Love, and Happiness!!!